Black Sheep Harmony

With a donation...

Support Black Sheep Harmony
We are a not-for-profit organisation, and welcome donations, no matter how large or small
Donation amount:
We are always in need to funds to support our chorus!
Black Sheep Harmony is made up of women from different backgrounds who come together to sing A Cappella Barbershop music at least once a week. We help raise money for local charities, perform in concerts and sing to those in need as well as providing a community and social lifeline for our singers from all walks of life. We are a low cost, non-profit singing group.

Our first campaign involved the renewal of our old risers (the raised platforms on which we sing) in October 2017 just before we went to our first LABBS convention, when two of our six old risers finally broke beyond repair. We knew that they were nearing the end of their working life and could see that many of the metal connectors had broken off, so we couldn't join them together. Our chorus had also outgrown them and we needed extra capacity. This was a successful project with many fund raising events taking place and we took possession of our new risers in 2018.

Of course there are always many expenses for a chorus such as ours, including hall hire and wardrobe, travel to conventions etc so we are always happy to receive a donation from a supporter.

Book us for your concert, donate because you have seen our work or would like to help us out and help make things happen.

Thank you.

Donation amount:
Here is our fundraising target. Thank you for your help.
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