On becoming a Black Sheep!

On becoming a Black Sheep!
Type of post: Chorus news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Sue French
Status: Current
Date Posted: Mon, 1 Aug 2016
 Well, who would have thought this time last year that I would have singing as a new hobby……and be a sheep?!  Certainly not me.  I have always liked singing, but all I had done in my role as a nursery nurse in school was leading 3 to 4 year olds through rhymes and songs each with an average of four rhyming lines to learn. No great feat!  In fact, I wasn’t even sure I could sing grown-up stuff.  Oh and I did get as far as grade 1 piano aged 7, but that really is as far as my musical knowledge went.  So it is with great pleasure and surprise that I find myself immersed in this new pastime.  It has beBlack Sheep Harmony singing whilst waiting for Radio Bristolen an exciting challenge and revelation to find that, I DO have the ability to learn the words and sing the notes of the BlackSheep repertoire. 

 This is all due to the wonderful opportunity to join the 'Learn2sing' course last September.  When I first heard BlackSheep sing, I was bowled over by the fantastic sound, complicated harmonies and a singing style which I had hardly ever come across before.   As I loved what I heard, so my journey began. Under the exceptional encouragement of David. With the terrific support, time and patience offered by Kathy. Along with the welcome from all the chorus, I began to think that maybe I can sing a bit.  So, with the aid of sheet music, teacher tracks and time spent very definitely alone in the kitchen, here I am enthusically learning all the songs and starting to make "sheep puns".

 I have found that becoming a BlackSheep (it is great to have a darker side when known as ‘Mrs Sensible’) has meant joining a group of people who offer friendship, laughs, fun, challenge and experiences that are often on the unusual side.  I’m really pleased and grateful that I have had this opportunity to realise the joy of singing. This new world only opened up because of the huge amount of work, organisation and commitment the chorus made in starting the Learn2sing classes, and all the support offered since then.

Sue F